

The word ‘diagram’ implies a schematising; while places, in their density and richness of meaning, seem to defy schematisation. Yet in relation to the visual investigation of place, is there some expansionary potential in the ‘diagram’ to become a visual medium through which meaning pours out everywhere, rather than being pared too much away in simplification?

The idea for writing place in these schematised ways was a result of coming across Gilles Deleuze’s formulation of the diagram as a map ‘of the relationships between forces’.

Such schema let the eye wander around- you can scan around them in your own way, in your own time. But they also break the sequential flow which verbal language always has, a sequentiality which structures thought in a particular way. The reason these diagrams can allow thought to behave differently is that sequentiality is broken, allowing things to be seen simultaneously or in a different order, the components having been dispersed in a way which lets the viewer or reader pick them up and rearrange them.

Click on any of the diagrams below to download a detailed pdf version

Textile Shop

Textile Shop

Museum and Memory

Museum and Memory


Submarine – With thanks to Yekatherina Bobrova for translating this diagram into a digital format.

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